red Bicycle Media | Cleveland Film and Media Production Company

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A "Collective" Effort

There has to be some kind of crazy to wake up at 4 am on a Sunday just to make a short film with no budget. It is even more surprising to find enough people to come out. That’s what the Collective Film Project is all about. 

Started as an idea of our own James Pizarro and Wilmington, Ohio-based filmmaker Grant Peelle, the Collective Film Project brings filmmakers and film crew alike to film over 12 short films in a span of one year. Switching between Cleveland and Wilmington every month, we bring in everyone from sound mixers and production assistants to different directors and writers, to create a film in one weekend. 

Our challenge expands to more than finding a script to film every month. Many logistical plans must be made in advance, like scheduling when scenes are to be filmed and crafty, to make each project a successful one. Most importantly, finding crew members who fit our culture is critical to a great weekend. We have been blessed to work with some talented and awesome people just from three months filming, and everyone seemed to have the same idea of “leaving their egos at the door." 

Keep in touch with us as we premiere our short films for the world to see quite soon!